Jail chaplain distributes toys to inmates’ children

From Austin Montgomery at Beloit Daily News:

After donations are received, Johnson and other chaplaincy volunteers work with the Rock County Sheriff’s Office at the jail to allow parents to select toys to be given to their children. 

“Everyone is so grateful and really helpful,” Johnson said. 

Johnson said after a less-than-warm welcome at his first delivery back in 1987, he almost gave up the idea of the toy drive. 

“It was my first-ever delivery and I got disheartened,” Johnson said. “But no other delivery has been like that since.” 

He might not dress up as Santa Claus while delivering presents, but that doesn’t stop him from spreading holiday cheer. 

“It’s really wonderful,” Johnson said. “It’s not the kids’ fault that their parent is in jail. It’s nice to be able to see their faces light up.”

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