Dementia chaplaincy series from NAJC

Our partners at Neshama: Association of Jewish Chaplains invite you to a series on dementia chaplaincy:

Logo for NAJC, used in post on dementia chaplaincyHelping People Living with Dementia their Families

October-December 2022

Series flyer here. Register by emailing

This series on dementia chaplaincy includes the following sessions:

October 24, 2 PM Eastern

Dr. Marc Agronin

October 31, 2 PM Eastern

Rabbi Dayle Friedman

November 7, 2 PM Eastern

Rabbi Dr. Richard Address

November 21, 2 PM Eastern

Nancy Kriseman, LCSW

November 28, 2 PM Eastern

Spirit Alive

December 5, 3 PM Eastern

Dr. Barak Gaster and Rabbi Dayle Friedman

You may also be interested in the Lab’s resources on Jewish chaplaincy, part of our collection of resources organized by faith or philosophical tradition. These resources are valuable not only for Jewish chaplains themselves but any chaplains who serve Jewish individuals, families, and communities. The Lab also recently concluded a project on the past, present, and future of Jewish chaplaincy in the United States, making several recommendations on how the field can make these vital resources more visible to the communities in which they work.