JTSA student seeks chaplain interviews

Aaron Morrill is a graduate student at the Jewish Theological Seminary looking to interview chaplains for a research project about Jewish mourning rituals, with a specific focus on unexpected death (i.e., deaths where loved ones do not have substantial time to process the possibility of death before it occurs).

  • Interviews focus on chaplains’ thoughts on Jewish mourning rituals’ utility in grieving tragic death and experiences and observations of counseling Jewish clients through unexpected death
  • Interviews conducted via Zoom or phone and will take ~30 minutes
  • Participants must have experience counseling Jewish clients through unexpected death (ideally at least 3-4 cases with non-Orthodox clients)
  • Jewish chaplains preferred but not required

Please reach out to Aaron Morrill via email (aamorrill@jtsa.edu) or phone (510-542-1443) to schedule an interview.