Lab subscriptions opening soon!

August 1, 2024

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, I’m excited to share the details of our new subscription model. We in the Lab are proud of all the work we’ve done to date, and we invite you to join us as we continue to innovate in the field of spiritual care. The new model asks participants to sustain the work of the Lab by subscribing, which also ensures that its work will remain directly responsive to your professional needs and values.

The subscription options below are for individuals; professional chaplaincy associations, institutions offering spiritual care (e.g., healthcare facilities), and educational institutions are invited to become enterprise-level subscribers.

Importantly, the Lab will continue to make some resources available to all at no cost! This includes any webinars or other resources we’ve already planned with philanthropic support, new scholarly research, and more. Those who want to participate in the full range of Lab activity can do so by becoming subscribers.

Two levels of subscriptions available

Starting September 2, individuals can choose between two subscription levels, detailed below.

Subscriber ($144/year):

  • Monday newsletter (free for all)
  • Access to all Lab working papers (free for all)
  • Access to private Facebook group for chaplains
  • Access to all at least 12 Lab webinars per year, with verification of attendance and learning outcomes
  • Access to all Lab eBooks
  • Access to all live Field Guide for Aspiring Chaplains sessions

Innovator ($175/year):

  • All of the benefits of the Subscriber level, plus
  • Access to full Lab webinar archive, with verification of attendance and learning outcomes
  • Access to full Field Guide archive
  • Discount on professional mentoring
  • Discount on resume review
  • Certified Educator portfolio review
  • Board Certification maintenance review
  • Discount on Conversation Circle registration
  • Discount on career counseling

What’s next?

  • Plan to subscribe! In September we’ll have a subscription portal set up where you can register, pay, and manage your account. In the meantime, you can pre-register here (no payment required) for a 5% discount on your first year’s subscription.
  • Speak to leadership in your workplace and the professional organizations in which you are active about your involvement in the Lab. Encourage them to consider subscribing organizationally!
  • Share your enthusiasm for the work of the Lab! Post about your participation on social media. Tell colleagues about your experiences with the Lab and encourage them to join you.


Thank you for your dedication to spiritual care for all — the world is a better place because of what you do. I am excited to see all the ways the Lab will continue to bring us together to ensure that everyone has access to spiritual care.


Sincerely yours,

Michael Skaggs

Co-founder and Director of Chaplaincy Innovation Lab Programs