Religious and Spiritual Connection in Dementia [External]

Date: May 17, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Location: Zoom

A webinar hosted by

Transforming Chaplaincy Elder Care Research Network

This webinar features Dr. Katherine Britt, who will discuss the importance of religious and spiritual connection for people living with dementia.

Dr. Britt’s work focuses on identifying psychosocial protective factors and nonpharmacological interventions for persons with dementia and their caregivers to slow disease progression and improve well-being.  This webinar will explore Dr. Britt’s recent research, discuss religious and spiritual practice associations with cognitive and physical health and the spiritual needs of older adults, and offer ways to support people living with dementia as they decline.

Katherine Carroll Britt, PhD, RN is a T32 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Penn Nursing in the NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health, a Translational Research Scientist at BrainCheck, and a Psychology/Mental Health Jonas Scholar 2021-2023. Dr. Britt’s pre-doctoral dissertation work focused on spiritual and religious practice associations in older adults with cognitive impairment and dementia with neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognitive function, and sleep disturbances utilizing the Health and Retirement Study and sub study, Aging, Demographics, and Memory Studies. Her clinical experience includes critical care, rheumatology, nephrology, and gerontology. Dr. Britt received her PhD from the University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing, an MSN-IQS in Informatics, Quality and Safety and a BSN in Nursing.