Chaplaincy Innovation Lab Book Club
In response to requests from our community, the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab has launched a book club for discussion and enrichment. Join fellow chaplains as they share their perspectives on key texts in the field, how they can be applied to the work of spiritual care, and more. The group meets via Zoom and is open to all.
For more information contact Michael Skaggs at
You must register for each session (right).
While the book club is open to all, all participants abide by these general principles:
- Listen to understand, not respond
- Share space and time
- Put on a learner’s mind-set
- Be here, now
- Focus on what you can control, yourself
- Choose growth over comfort
- Tell your own story, not others’
- Impact =/= Intent
For the Spring 2024 season of the CIL Book Club, participants will discuss Shelly Rambo’s Spirit and Trauma.
Spring 2024 Meeting Schedule
All begin at 7 PM Eastern
Introduction and Chapter 1: February 22
Chapters 2 and 3: March 21
Chapter 4: April 25
Chapter 5: May 16 (Register here; free)