We offer below several example syllabi that may interest faculty and students:
- Anderson, Herbert and Kamal Abu-Shamsieh (Graduate Theological Union). “Soul Care for Chaplaincy.“
- Cadge, Wendy (Brandeis University). “Sociology 129a: Religion in American Life: A Sociological Approach.”
- Haythorn, Trace (Emory University). “CH501: Introduction to Chaplaincy.”
- Ivy, Steven (Christian Theological Seminary). “P2505: Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling.“
- Kugler, Sharon (Yale University). “REL811a: Models and Methods for College and University Chaplaincy.”
- Rambo, Shelly (Boston University School of Theology). “TT898/998: Theology and Trauma.”
- Schaper, Donna (Hartford Seminary). “[500-level and above] Death and Dying.“
- Schaper, Donna (Hartford Seminary). “[500-level and above] Theologies and Sociologies of Chaplaincy.“
- Schaper, Donna (Hartford Seminary). “[600-level and above] Beyond Candles: Public Rituals.“
More available from The Syllabus Collection, a collaboration between Wabash Center, the American Academy of Religion, and the Society of Biblical Literature.