Library Resources

We aim to share library resources for chaplaincy at educational institutions that offer chaplaincy or chaplaincy-related coursework. At present, this primarily includes two resources: a searchable, public bibliography hosted at, and a LibGuide hosted at Boston University.

Boston University School of Theology Library hosts a LibGuide with spiritual care library resources for chaplaincy across sectors. This guide is designed for people considering work as spiritual care providers, and for those conducting research about chaplaincy and spiritual care. It is intended to suggest places to start and to guide users through questions to ask and places to engage as they consider questions, possible paths forward in this work, and research about it.

This LibGuide was created by Chaplaincy Innovation Lab alum Markia Neufville and BUSTH librarian Stacey Duran, who also maintains the resource.

The Lab thanks the Henry Luce Foundation for its support of this project, completed as part of the Educating Effective Chaplains grant.

Screenshot of LibGuide at BU. Click the image to visit the guide.

We also invite recommendations for additions to our searchable, public Zotero bibliography. This resource contains primary sources, peer-reviewed research, and more on chaplaincy across sectors. Furthermore, much of the Lab’s own, original research can be accessed through our working paper series or by browsing our past projects.