THIS is What a Chaplain Looks Like

Here are the featured images and stories of today’s chaplains. Each month, we feature the story of a chaplain who is innovating and living what it means to be a twenty-first century chaplain.

We want YOU to be seen here, too! To participate, click here.  Just prepare a high-quality image of yourself and 100 words or less on you and your work. We look forward to seeing you soon!

You may also be interested in our series of in-depth looks at chaplaincy, produced by SeMA Films.

You can find this series of videos here.

Career confusion
THIS is what a chaplain looks like

Jason Pointer

Terrell State Hospital - Director of Pastoral Care and Counseling

Allen Siegel

Hardford Co, MD - Director of Spiritual Care Services

Judith Silva

Ephrata, PA - Spiritual Care and Education Manager

Juliane Martin

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Staff Chaplain for Indiana University Heath Methodist Hospital

Donald Stikeleather

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - Staff Chaplain for Indiana University Heath Methodist Hospital

Alyssa Adreani

NEWTON, MA - Interfaith Chaplain, Newton-Wellesley Hospital

Michelle Jissan Nicolle

WINSTON-SALEM, SC - Chaplain for Wake Forest School of Medicine

Sangeetha Kowsik

NEW YORK, NY - Hindu Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor of NYU

Monica Sanford

ROCHESTER, NY - Assist. Dir. for Spirituality & Religious Life

Cynthia I. Cheshire

KEEN, NH - Director & Campus Minister | The Newman Center

Yongbom Lee

RICHMOND, VA - Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center

Jacquetta Gomes

KENDAL CUMBRIA, ENGLAND - Chaplain for The Fire Fighters Charity ESFRS SFRS

Racquel R. Ray

MIDDLETOWN, RI - Chaplain, John Clarke Retirement and Nursing Center

Ceceley Chambers

PROVIDENCE, RI - Hospice & Pediatric Palliative Care Chaplain

Lori Niles

FRESNO, CA - Palliative Care Chaplain. Community Regional Medical Center

Shama Mehta

DEARBORN, MI - Board Certified Chaplain, Spiritual Care Services

Courtney Arntzen

MISSOULA, MT - Community Chaplain|Spiritual Director|Soul Care Provider

Deb Vaughn

ROCKVILLE, MD - Jewish Social Service Agency Hospice Spiritual Care Coordinator

Martine Joseph

GRATZ, PA - United States Air Force Reserve Chaplain Corps

Mona Villarubia

NEW ORLEANS, LA - Board-Certified Chaplain & Retired Theology Teacher

Ylisse Cheney Bess

BOSTON, MA - Chaplain, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Colleen Hallagan Prueninger

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Associate Dean for Religious & Spiritual Life, Stanford Univ.

Shamika Goddard

BOULDER, CO - Founder and Head Tech Chaplain, Tech Chaplaincy Institute

Philomène Péan

ST. LAWRENCE, MA - Chaplain, Home Health VNA and Merrimack Valley Hospice

Josiah Hoagland

GRAND RAPIDS, MN - Spiritual Care Coordinator, Essentia Health, Itasca Hospice

Donna Mote

ATLANTA, GA - Missioner for Engagement and Innovation in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

FEATURED: Zac Willette

ST. PAUL, MN - Chaplain, Founder, President of Allay Care

What does a chaplain look like? What images does the word “chaplain” evoke?  Chaplaincy is diversifying more and more every year. Traditional images of a chaplain no longer hold true in many settings.  Not only that; spiritual care is also taking on more expansive definitions, with what exactly a “ministry of presence” means differing from person to person and place to place. Where chaplains are trained, where the practice, how they practice, and who they are is shaping the field in ways previously unimaginable.