Chaplaincy Endorsers

Endorsing bodies have responsibility for recruitment, endorsement, and support of clergy in extension ministries beyond local congregations. Clergy or commissioned individuals serve as chaplains and spiritual/pastoral counselors in many settings beyond church walls, including healthcare, criminal justice, military, first responder, higher and parochial education, corporate/industrial, social service providers, and others. Endorsing bodies provide support, advocacy, and accountability for those within a given tradition.  The table below is a listing of endorsing bodies in the United States. If you have questions or think we’ve missed an endorser, let us know at

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Just getting started? Check out our eBook – Beginner’s Guide to Spiritual Care, now available here.

Field guide for aspiring chaplains

You may also be interested in our series Field Guide for Aspiring Chaplains.

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Revising or starting a chaplaincy education program? Check out our eBook – Educating Effective Chaplains here, and more resources for educators here.

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries
Aleph Institute
Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Churches USA
American Correctional Chaplains Association
Assemblies of God
Converge (formerly Baptist General Conference)
Baptist General Convention of Texas
Chaplaincy Institute
Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Churches and Churches of Christ
Church of God
Church of God in Christ
Church of God Ministries - Anderson, Indiana
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Church of the Nazarene
Circle Sanctuary
Coalition of Spirit-Filled Churches
Conservative Baptist Association of America
Conservative Congregational Christian Conference
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Disciples of Christ
Episcopal Church/Endorsement Office of the Bishop of Chaplains
Evangelical Free Church of America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Federation of Christian Ministries
Full Gospel Churches
General Association of Baptist Churches
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
IFCA International - Bible Churches Chaplaincy
International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
International Fellowship of Bible Churches, Inc.
International Ministerial Fellowship
Islamic Society of North America
Jewish Welfare Board
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Metropolitan Community Churches
Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers
Muslim Endorsement Council
Natural Universalist Wiccan Church
North American Hindu Chaplains Association
North American Lutheran Church
Orthodox Church in America
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Reformed Church in America
Regular Baptist Church
Sacred Well Congregation
Seventh-day Adventist
Southern Baptist Convention/North American Mission Board
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Temple of the Waters
The Humanist Society
Unaffiliated Baptist Churches of America
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
World Council of Independent Christian Churches
Worldwide Fellowship of Independent Churches