Lab community members at the Subscriber and Innovator levels, including group subscribers, Students, and Retirees, can login here. You will automatically be redirected to the webinar archive.
Don’t yet have an account? You can subscribe to the Lab here. You can also encourage your employer or academic program to subscribe on behalf of you and your colleagues.
Benefits of subscribing to the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab include:
Subscriber Level
Innovator Level
- Monday newsletter (free for all)
- Access to all Lab working papers (free for all)
- Access to private Facebook group for chaplains
- Access to at least 12 live Lab webinars per year, with verification of attendance and learning outcomes
- Access to all Lab eBooks
- Access to all live Field Guide for Aspiring Chaplains sessions
All of the benefits of a Subscriber level subscription, plus:
- Access to full Lab webinar archive, with verification of attendance and learning outcomes
- Access to full Field Guide archive
- Discount on professional mentoring
- Discount on resume review
- Certified Educator portfolio review
- Board Certification maintenance review
- Discount on Conversation Circle registration
- Discount on career counseling