Chaplaincy historian recognized by ASCH

Ronit Stahl, Assistant Professor of History at the University of California at Berkeley, Chaplaincy Innovation Lab Advisory Group Member, and author of Enlisting Faith: How the Military Chaplaincy Shaped Religion and State in Modern America has been recognized by the American Society of Church History.

Ronit Stahl, PhD, is Assistant Professor of History at the University of California, Berkeley. Here she poses for a photograph on the Danforth Campus in St. Louis, Sept. 15, 2014. Photo by Sid Hastings / WUSTL Photos

Dr. Stahl has been awarded the 2018 Frank S. and Elizabeth D. Brewer Prize, conferred for outstanding scholarship in church history by a first-time author. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Stahl for her achievement and for advancing the study of chaplaincy!