Meaning-Making and Spiritual Health in Higher Education

Boston University School of Theology | IFYC

Meaning-Making and Spiritual Health in Higher Education

The School of Theology Summer Seminar Series is an online webinar series that will provide attendees with the perspective of the public conversations on critical questions regarding justice-building, wellbeing, and spiritual care using unique insights provided by our faculty, scholars, and guests. The fourth seminar was “Rethinking the Core: Meaning-Making and Spiritual Health in Higher Education”, and the conversation featured creative and spiritually-informed responses to student health, invited us to rethink traditional models of chaplaincy in higher education, and imagined new partnerships across campuses to address the challenges of campus cultures in light of the mental health crisis facing college and university students. It featured the following panelists:

Dr. Shelly Rambo, STH
David Duren, Rudderman Family Foundation
K. Monet Rice-Jalloh, Wake Forest University
Varun Soni, University of Southern California
Tiffany Steinwert, Stanford University

This event was sponsored by The Boston University School of Theology