Case Studies in Effective Chaplaincy

Case Study 1

Healing or Hallucination?

This case study explores a difficult situation that sometimes appears in healthcare chaplaincy: is the patient experiencing healing or hallucination?

We thank the Henry Luce Foundation for its support of this project, “Educating Effective Chaplains.” The project focused on three tasks critical for preparing professional chaplains for effective ministry:

  • Synthesizing current scholarship and practitioner expertise about the nature of effective chaplaincy and evaluating the extent to which theological schools can and should support the development of effective chaplains;
  • Identifying specific skills and competences required for chaplaincy, both universally and in specific sectors (i.e. the military, healthcare, prisons, etc.), and analyzing how theological education currently supports the development of those skills and competencies;
  • Supporting theological educators in strengthening their scholarship, their curricula, and their partnerships with clinical educators to better train future generations of chaplains in light of broader changes in American religious demographics.

Check out our separate project Innovating Chaplaincy Education, funded by the Wabash Center, which featured eight theological educators working together to revise chaplaincy-related syllabi. The Wabash Center project kicked off with a webinar that also closed the Summer 2020 gathering of the Educating Effective Chaplains project; you can view that webinar here.